Circular Economy
Catch of Norway Seafood selects Fresh Atlantic Salmon and Fresh Cod, Haddock, Halibut, Scallops, and more from the North Atlantic as soon as it reaches port. We are there at the airport or port for final quality control checks. Our seafood is inspected for hygiene and sanitation by the health authorities. Catch of Norway Seafood works with salmon and seafood throughout it’s entire life cycle and production cycle in India. This includes the early stages of converting organic fish waste in to new value added products or recycled inputs that are plugged in to the global food value chain.
Our circular economy always looks to capture value from “waste” that can be recycled or repurposed with less or no impact on the environment. We are working with whole fish, off-cuts, fish fillets, shellfish shells, fish skin, fish scales, and fish bones to try and create new products or new inputs, that generate new life or improves health directly.
We started a project in June 2020 with Daily Dump in Bangalore, India to test the viability of producing a premium compost or fertilizer for plants, vegetables, fruit, and flowering plants using seafood waste – particularly cold water seafood. We have tried using salmon bones, cartilage, fins, and tails as the key ingredient for garden composting and fertilizer.
Fish snacks/Value Added Products
We tested out deep-frying and baking: fresh salmon skins, cod skins, and smoked salmon skins. We sell salmon skin crisps in 25 gram and 50 gram bags on our online channels. There are all sorts of snacks and by-products that require the same or less energy required to produce something new and high quality. At Catch of Norway Seafood, we have also developed new food products for both the wholesale b2b and b2c markets such as: like salmon skin crisps, mince, stir fry, and salmon burgers.
Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, B6, protein, selenium, niacin, vitamin A, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, healthy fats and amino acids, and iron. The waste generated from all parts of the supply chain - including the scales of the fish – can be processed and converted in to new inputs for health and pharmaceutical purposes. Fish oils, salmon oil, cod live oil, collagen, natural peptides just to name a few. The fish skins can be treated and used as wraps for burn victims, skin infections and diseases, venom/poisoning from plants or animals.