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Premium Indian Seafood Now Available for Next Day Delivery.

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Oysters - Indian

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  • Regular price Rs. 499.00
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    Oyster Meat Only! Our domestically caught, wild Oysters from India are hand-picked and selected mostly off the coast of Kerala. Indian Oysters are especially high in superior protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Magnesium, and Potassium.

    Indian Oysters are best shucked and eaten raw with lemon, tabasco/hot sauace, and some chopped red onions. If you prefer cooked oysters, they do well when steamed, meat removed, and then added to pasta, salad, or mixed with eggs! 

    Do not eat oysters that remained closed after cooking. Make sure mussels fully open before consuming or removing the mussel meat.

    *Please allow 1-2 days for delivery.